Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

When a White Shirt is PERFECT

Sometimes, a white shirt (tee shirt, tank top) is the ideal choice for an outfit...  First and foremost, if you love the way you're dressed, then you're wearing the perfect clothes, no matter what ANYBODY else says.  In hot weather, when you're wearing other light-colored garments, or when you need the brightening effects of white near your face.

And you do understand that "your" white might be ecru, or cream, or ivory, or some other variations of white?  Choose what's best for you.  Always. Every day.  Without exception.  Your happiness is really the only standard by which your garments should be evaluated.

The lighter-background tee shirt is much more in keeping with the feeling of the white jeans.  Unless you're decidedly top-heavy, in which case you might be more comfortable in the 2nd ensemble.
all clothes  - L.L. Bean
 Frankly, I think either of these outfits works well, but the one on the left does give you a more unbroken strong vertical line.
all clothes - L.L.Bean
 With a lighter skirt, the cream top seems to flow better, although again, I don't think the 2nd outfit is really terrible - I could easily and happily wear either...
all clothes - L.L.Bean
But here is a case where a dark tee shirt is a difficult choice.  The white just seems to work better, both from a "mood" standpoint, and a flattery perspective.  If you felt that you really did NOT want to wear a white shirt here, maybe the striped top just above, or a top toned to the cardigan, would be a better choice than this very dead black. 

all clothes - L.L.Bean

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