Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

The ABC's of Chic Sightings: Joyous, Kinetic, Legible

It's not lost on me that life can be hard, times can be tough, and that you can't walk around with a witless grin on your face 24/7.  But you can try to be pleasant - at least demonstrate a reasonable amount of joy in being alive. Enthusiasm. Spark. Zest. All those kinds of things...

Sluggish is not going to do it.  Get in motion! Energy, enthusiasm, a spark...  (I'm sensing a theme here...)

Too much clutter, too many details, too many conflicting visual signals - I find that hard to process, and it doesn't feel chic to me.  People around you should be able to "read" you reasonably easily, so that they have a sense of you.  Your appearance communicates who you are to the rest of the world;  try to speak as clearly and simply as possible when you're communicating.

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