Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

We Need to Talk...

Leon Kroll - Study For Conversation 1940  15x19 - American Artist Paintings Prints by Leon Kroll - Study For Conversation 1940 - Approximate Original Size - 15x19 Painting
Study for Conversation 1940 - Leon Kroll

I've been delighted to receive so much feedback about my work recently - it means the world to me to know that you read The Vivienne Files and think seriously about what I do, and how I write.  It's been particularly interesting to me to learn that you're very interested in the thought process behind the images that I create.  I'm happy to take the time to try to "spell out" the steps that I go through in my mind when I work with clothing, accessories, colors and shapes.

That said, I've got to confess:  I'm getting overwhelmed.  I've tried from the inception of The Vivienne Files to post six days a week as often as I possibly can.  This usually meant that I was working at least part of six days a week, and I never minded that.

But recent posts are taking a very long time to compose.  For each garment or accessory I show here, I look at at least 1,000 rejects.  The images usually have to be cleaned up in some way, and resized.  By the time I've created the hyperlinks, and drawn some nifty little dividers on the pages, and tweaked everything to my satisfaction - well, you can appreciate the effort. And then it takes me a couple of hours to find the right words to translate what's going on in my head.

So I'd like to know how you would feel if I posted only five days per week - Tuesday through Saturday. I would then work a five-day work week, and post each day for a post to launch the following morning.  

The last thing I want to do is disappoint you.  But I also want to keep up the standards that I set for myself, and for you, in my work.  What are your feelings?

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