So I'm off running around the country again, and will be mostly out of internet range for at least a couple of weeks - my return date is VERY uncertain. But I've queued up a number of posts for you, on a variety of subjects - colors, books, some Chic Sightings...
Cross your fingers that this adventure goes well!
I've had this book for a while, and now that I'm travelling - AGAIN - for my familial obligations, it seems like a good time to share with you the many interesting insights I found here.
First warning: if you read or speak French, note that this book is from Canada. 99% of the writing is spot on to what you read in France, but every now and then a word will trip me up. I view it as a learning experience!
One of the salient design elements of this book is that she distills a lot of advice into a series of "10 Rules", so for the next few days I'm going to translate those for your enjoyment, and toss in my thoughts or observations if they seem relevant.
(don't you just love the subtitle - Secrets of a Well Thought-Out Wardrobe?)
Cross your fingers that this adventure goes well!
I've had this book for a while, and now that I'm travelling - AGAIN - for my familial obligations, it seems like a good time to share with you the many interesting insights I found here.
First warning: if you read or speak French, note that this book is from Canada. 99% of the writing is spot on to what you read in France, but every now and then a word will trip me up. I view it as a learning experience!
One of the salient design elements of this book is that she distills a lot of advice into a series of "10 Rules", so for the next few days I'm going to translate those for your enjoyment, and toss in my thoughts or observations if they seem relevant.
(don't you just love the subtitle - Secrets of a Well Thought-Out Wardrobe?)
The 10 Rules of Style
1. Fashion is never banal. Amuse yourself and take risks, without ever forgetting to stay elegant. It's the key to success. (easier said than done, for me!)
2. Put your best foot - or features - forward. You have beautiful legs, or a ravishing decolletage? Show it off!
3. Avoid being too "matchy matchy". Pay scant attention to established codes, and instead mix your styles, such as a classic skirt with a bohemian blouse, or jeans with a satin jacket.
4. Always include something that shows your personal style - a star accessory, a unique color, a daring print, an original cut...
5. Is your outfit tired? Work on your accessories - they are the signature of your style.
6. Adapt to the trends, with respect to your age and your body type, without becoming predictable or boring.
7. Don't try too hard! It's better to be classic than to be unnaturally hip! (now, I'm struggling with the balance between trendy and classic again...)
8. Don't limit yourself by seasons. Mix them up - a summer dress with a wool cardigan...
9. Clothing is NOT more important than you are. One must see your personality, wearing the clothes - not the other way around.
10. It's better to be chic than ordinary.
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