Yesterday evening, I tallied up the last of the entries, and found that I had 135 people entered into my drawing for the catalog for the Impressionism, Fashion and Modernity exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. This is how I chose a winner.
This is a particularly cool outcome, because Emma is only 10 years old, and is a BIG fan of Impressionism. I'm sure everyone joins me in congratulating her on her good luck, and wishes her great joy in this lovely book.
This is the EXACT dress that appears in the painting In The Conservatory by Albert Bartholeme |
In The Conservatory, by Albert Bartholeme |
Another dress from the exhibition - a very near match to a dress in one of the exhibit paintings. |
The exhibit was amazing - very hard for me to digest in just one visit. As one might expect, it was tremendously crowded (not "Mona Lisa room in the Louvre" crowded, but more like "on the staircase near the Winged Victory" crowded). The harmony between the fashions on display and the wonderful paintings was easy to follow, but I wasn't able to really pull in the thread of Modernity as well as I wanted to. I think I'm going to walk back over and take another look, so I can fully understand the complete message of the exhibit.
What luxury...
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