Today's the second birthday of The Vivienne Files. Looking back, I'm dumbfounded to see how much work I've done, and how very many kind and lovely people I've met. I could never thank each of you enough for all you've done for me!
To showcase the amazing images that have appeared on The Vivienne Files, I've changed the layout of the blog - just for today - to this Snapshot view that shows EVERY image that's been on the blog for the last two years. Scroll down, and down, and DOWN to see every idea that we've shared in the last 2 years.
And to switch your view of the blog back to "normal", to go the menu in the top left corner, just underneath where it says "The Vivienne Files". The drop down menu gives you the option to change the view back to Magazine, which is how I usually show things, or back to Classic - the "normal" blog view.
Please - today - leave a comment. Let me know if my work has been useful or help to you. I do this just for you - to help, to improve your relationship with your closet. I hope it's made a difference.
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