Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Just Because You Can...

I have no idea who drew this - please let me know if you know the artist!

So I've already been to work for a couple of hours, and then out shopping with belovedest.

In the course of trying on clothing, B started with a pair of slim-fit pants, and asked our lovely young salesperson if there was anything available that was MORE slim.  Indeed there was, and they did... indeed... fit.  

The looked pretty adorable, frankly.

But he also reminded me quite strikingly of our 19 year old nephew. B is 50...

There are no rules about what you can wear at which age - I'd be the first person to protest any such policies.  But I do think that there is a voice inside all of us that helps us remember when we're comfortable and true to ourselves.  That voice was SCREAMING at B, when he put on the super-skinnies...

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

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